General Designer's functions;
Support to a foreign designer in development of architectural and urban planning solutions for approval by Moskomarhitektura;
Development of Project documentation in full:
Land plot organization plan;
Architectural solutions;
Structural and space planning solutions;
Engineering equipment, utilities, list of engineering and technical measures:
- Power supply system;
- Water supply and sewerage systems;
- Automatic sprinkler fire fighting system;
- Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems;
- Smoke control ventilation;
- Heating networks;
- Domestic heating station;
- Communication networks;
- Safety systems;
- Automated system of control of MEP equipment technological processes;
Technological solutions;
Construction management plan;
Demolition management plan;
Energy Efficiency;
Environmental protection measures;
Fire safety provisions;
Road traffic organization plan for the preparatory and main periods;
Road traffic organization plan for the operation period;
Technological regulations for handling construction and demolition wastes;
Special technical conditions;
Rodents protection system;
Civil defence measures;
Appraisal of the designed building influence to the surrounding development;
Forecast of changes in hydrogeological conditions;
Appraisal of geological risks.